I saw this quote posted on my good friend Joshua "Param Sevak" Adair's facebook page, and it inspired my to write a posting I've been philosophizing over extensively, as of late.
"Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The Sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world."
~Ramana Maharshi
This quote expresses, in an ecstatic, Rumi-esque fashion, what I will be calling for the purposes of this posting the "Art of Change," or the "Science of Change." How change actually takes place metaphysically, or within any given reality.
The main reason I'm posting this is because I have been philosophizing about it so much lately that I need to express it somewhere. The concept has been buzzing around my psyche for some weeks, so I figure in my blog is just as good a place as any. Yeah? Also, the second reason is I'm just plain weary of being confronted with something I'd like to term "activist's syndrome." I will explain in full detail what this is, & why the understanding the art or science of change will quickly cure this very unfortunate syndrome.
Ok, so I'm going to set a few premises, do some blah blah, and then a beautiful profound conclusion will emergy whereby you'll spit whatver liquid your currently ingesting out your nose & mouth onto the computer screen, laughing yourself silly out of your rolling chair, onto the ground, hysterically foaming at the mouth and seisuring while you rocket your awareness into a state of transcendent bliss. I can't make any promises, but I'm pretty sure if you read on your experience will play out about like this.
The first premise is that everything we experience in the Universe, all matter, dense or subtle, is energy. Everything is energy, vibrating or pulsing at a particular frequency, a vibratory signature if you will. When we walk around a park or drive down a highway, we mostly experience what seems like fixed matter, mechanical in nature, will little apparent change taking place. But the truth of the matter is that everything we see on a day to day basis is an enormous flow of atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, & so on, all vibrating and pulsing in a grand dance of constant flux and change. Everything we see, including we humans, has a particular vibratory frequency or signature that differentiates it from everything else, yet the vibratory signature of all things greatly affect one another.
Here is a really fancy picture to wow you into accepting my first premise.
Ok, so that is the first premise. Everything is energy flowing , and everything has a vibratory frequency. When you wake up your vibratory frequency is at a certain level, and when you go to a heavy metal concert, the vibratory signature of that concert affects your signature. Everything we eat, say, think, see, etc., affects our signature. Some things have a greater effect than others. Since we are mostly water, it is important for us to drink the best water we can possibily drink, as it affects are unique signature more than we probably realize moment to moment.
The second premise that I want to establish is that of the law of magnetic attraction. This law has been popularized (more accurately sensationalized) in such popular works as "The Secret," which people now clumsily use to get more stuff. Well, I won't go there or pretend to assume what it's being used for. In fact, I'm more interested in relaying the proper processes for reaping the full benefits of "The Secret" than I am what ends people are seeking. So, the law of magnetic attraction basically states that like attracts like. The frequency at which anything vibrates attracts a similar frequency. So in the words of "the Secret," if you want cash just think of cash a lot. Which would probably work over time, but I feel is not even half the picture, since there is a whole lot more to our indivual vibratory frequency than just our consciously controlled thoughts focused in on "cash."
Other parts of our frequency include our subconscious garbage, our past experiences, agreements, beliefs, dogmas, ideologies, etc. If at some point in our life we believed that we were unable to make much money, yet we never de-programmed this belief, then it is still a part of our vibratory signature, and will thus prevent us from attracting the wealth we so often desire. For many, the subconscious mind becomes so overloaded with a certain idea or belief that it has to overflow into the unconscious mind, which affects our unconscious processes like blood flow, digestion, and cell maintenance. In this way, many people have certain tramatic memories stored in their cell memory! It can be much more tricky to alter the vibrations stored within our cells than lets say, digesting and pooping out a hamburger.
So, I suppose these two premises alone will be enough to express what I want to express. If everything is vibrating energy, and like attracts like, then the only way to attract what you want to attract is to change your own vibrational frequency. By the same logic, the only way to change what you want to change in the world is to change your own frequency. If you want to see more love in the world, going and starting a love campaign and picketing for more love will not be nearly as potent (I'm inclined to think love picketing would outright fail, but I'm not going to take a firm stance) as actually altering your own vibration to that of love. And yes, love is an actual vibratory frequency, not just an idea espoused by sappy romantics. I'm not going to supply lots of stats here, but if you do a bit of poking around (mind you, the internet has the collective knowledge of all human beings ever), you will see than indeed, everything, including love & anger, has a particular frequency. Love is high vibe. It makes us high, it makes us feel good. Some say it is our natural state. Anger, hate, greed, etc., are low vibe. They make us feel low, they make us not feel so good at all. Some beings, unfortunately, are used to this feeling, addicted, and thus feed on it. Others have just never experienced a higher frequency.
So, to be brief, "activist's syndrome" is a low-vibrational state of wanting to change the world yet coming from a place of anger, hate, greed, lust, envy, revenge, etc. When one tries to change anything from a low-vibrational state, one will merely attract more low-vibe states. When one wants to see peace in the world, the only way to attract this is to be peaceful oneself. Hanging out with peaceful people will greatly assist this process, as the peaceful vibrations (that is, calm, centered, steady, yet high) of others will affect one's own vibratory pulse or signature. Just simply being peaceful and acting in a peaceful manner going about one's own business will do more to create peace in the world than a million anti-chaos or pro-peace rallies. The anti/pro thing doesn't matter. Well, it matters a little, as it sets the intention for the gathering. But more imporant is the vibration of the individual participants and thus the collective frequency. If the frequency is high and peaceful, peace will be attracted. If low, welp... Here comes more low! Yay!
So to master the "Art of Change," one must simply select a process or set of processes that allows or facilitates the change of one's own vibrational frequency! If you want more wealth, simply thinking about money will do the trick, but better: Reprogram all beliefs about wealth. Surround oneself with wealthy people. Put up pictures every where of items associated with wealth, deities of wealth. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Make daily affirmations "I am wealthly, I am wealthy," over and over and over. Look! You have to change your frequency. This can take a lot of work. You are vibrating one way now, so in order to vibrate a whole new way, you gotta really go for it. If you want to have a peaceful vibe, seek out people providing ways of obtaining peace. Read books on meditation. Go on peaceful walks. Where peaceful colors. Listen to peaceful music. Just surround yourself with peace. Slowly but surely your vibration will begin to change. Over time, it will become much more steady & fixed. It will take a lot to move you from your peaceful vibration.
Figure out what you want to change about the world and yourself. Then, simply engage in an intense process of changing your own pulse. That's how its done.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Free-form Flow
The only intentions I have for this posting is to allow the flow of my consciousness to spill out onto the screen. So here goes...
As far as the doings go for the past month: I arrived in Nevada City, CA by way of craigslist from Oakland, CA. I was dropped off on the side of the road at midnight and set up a squat spot by a nice little river and loads of wild blackberries, about 25 mins walk from downtown Nevada City. I spent the first week around town making different connections, doing lots! of walking, and basically trying to acclimate and ground myself.
Then came the first week of yoga teacher training, which I found to be challenging, enjoyable, and informative. I also feel it really helped me strengthen my own daily practice (sadhana), which was one of my primary intentions for taking on the training. I made loads of good connections as well, and am currently living with a family in the area that I met through a nice lady named Mary Joe that is also taking the teacher training. It was nice squatting by the river for a little while, and now it is really nice having a garden to work in, a bathroom when I need it, a blender, a computer, etc. So very nice! I am blessed to have been graced with such a find situation.
After the firs week intensive of teacher training, I felt I had a bit of adventuring to do, so I put up the thumb & hitched up to Mt. Shasta. It took me a day to hitch there (was very humbling), and I spent the night in Chico, CA in a lovely garden that I was shown by a friend fellow I met at a health food store. When I arrived in Shasta I was able to touch base with Monique (the nice lady that gifted me the funds to down-pay for the teacher training), go see Masaru Emoto give a presentation on water, and sleep up on the mountain. It is really quite a place this Mt. Shasta! They have amazing untreated spring water, loads of fruit trees around for the picking, friendly people, fresh air, & so on. Oh so lovely!
I was also able to meet up with my good friend Emma in Shasta, and she whisked us away to the Redwood Forest, then the Mendocino coast for a 3 day yoga/raw food retreat, which was also very nice. I was able to swim in the pacific, meet more amazing people, and continue to enjoy me daily practice, which I will speak more of in a moment. I met 2 very nice girls in Mendo, Molly & Cari, who took me to Lake Tahoe, just north of Nevada City by about an hour and a half. So I stayed with Cari for 2 days in Tahoe, and she gave me a ride back to the Grass Valley/Nevada City area where I was able to reconvene with Mary Joe (my landlady/co-houser/whathaveyou). Hooray! What an adventure!
Ah, yes. So I wanted to discuss daily practice. In the kundalini yoga tradition (the one I am now studying my yoga teacher training), daily practice ("Sadhana" Sod-ah-nah) is not just a science, its a way of being. Its the foundation by which one creates one's reality. The main idea is that human experience can be limitless, but our subconscious mind becomes overloaded with junk and detracts from our daily experience of the world. It becomes so jammed with mental constructs, agreements, advertisements, and whatever other media or energy that we expose ourselves to, that it pours into our conscious experience & thus influences the way we act & operate on a daily basis... Unless of course we have some way of clearing or alleviating our subconscious mind... We have a "grid of experience" that is basically the monitor of our computer, the overarching lens through we our awareness is filtered, thus forming our conscious reality. The vastness and fullness of what we see & experience through this monitor is greatly affected by our subconscious programming.
Sadhana is like an assassin or an atomic bomb to the garbage built up in the subconscious mind. When one practices every day (not one-two, skip a few, but every day!), the subconscious mind is very quickly de-programmed, so many of our trite judgments, detrimental habits, destructive patterns, and toxic predispositions implode in on themselves. They are powerless against the power of sadhana.
So how does Sadhana work?
In many traditions the best time for Sadhana is between 4-7 am, or the 2 1/2 hour period before the sun rises. Albert Einstein used to wake up at 4 am because he found he was able to focus so supremely at this hour. Go figure? My experience is that daily practice is much more easy between 4-7, so this is when I try to do it. Even by 8 am I resist the practice so much more. Once the sun has risen it is just that much more tricky to focus inward, as the sun is instructing us all to exert our energy outward, to go and ride the wave of the day! So between 4-7 one simply practices the same thing for a certain amount of time every day for a certain amount of days. Here is the psychological breakdown of transformation according to the science of kundalini yoga (not according to me (though I have experienced the effects), I'm just taking this out of a book):
Meditation times every day
3 minutes of meditation affects the electromagnetic field, the circulation and stability of the blood
11 minutes of meditation begins to chance the nerves and the glandular system
22 minutes of meditation balances the three minds (negative, neutral, positive), and they begin to work together
31 minutes of meditation allows the glands, breath, and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body.
62 minutes changes the gray matter in the brain. The subconscious "shadow mind" and the outer projection are integrated.
2 1/2 hours changes the psyche in its co-relation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconscious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.
Effects of consecutive days of mediation
40 days changes a habit
90 days confirms the habit
In 120 the new habit is who you are
In 1,000 days you have mastered the new habit
So I have been doing a morning sadhana (in my case, a yogic exercise involving the breath) since May 05th now, and I must say the effects have been profound. It has brought me so much more balance to my life, and I feel it takes very little effort to do it every day. Less & less effort every day! I simply think "Oh, if I break the streak the effects will be diminished, I'll have to start from day 1 again, and the high I'm on every day will be reduced. I better do my sadhana!"
And that's how it goes. I am at a point where I do a particular mediation every morning for 62 minutes. I started out with 3 minutes May 5th, and gradually worked myself up to 62 as it felt good. So now I'm committed to the 1000 stretch to see how far I can take the effects of this already profound practice. We shall see!
There are so many ways to activate a sadhana. If you like to paint, paint every day for a set time. Don't skip a day. Don't ever skip a day! This will break the chain of the strong psychological reconditioning you're delivering mercilessly to the politcal parties and renegade opinions parading around in the lawless depths of your subconscious mind... So paint every day and see the magic that emerges. If you like to run, run every day. If you like to read, read every day. If you like to sing, meditate, shoot skeet, play guitar, ad infinitum, do it every day, a lot. Early is nice. Clear you subconscious of all the garbage that prevents the full potential of healthy, productive, enjoyable experience from taking place! This is my message. Take it or leave it.
But either way--
As far as the doings go for the past month: I arrived in Nevada City, CA by way of craigslist from Oakland, CA. I was dropped off on the side of the road at midnight and set up a squat spot by a nice little river and loads of wild blackberries, about 25 mins walk from downtown Nevada City. I spent the first week around town making different connections, doing lots! of walking, and basically trying to acclimate and ground myself.
Then came the first week of yoga teacher training, which I found to be challenging, enjoyable, and informative. I also feel it really helped me strengthen my own daily practice (sadhana), which was one of my primary intentions for taking on the training. I made loads of good connections as well, and am currently living with a family in the area that I met through a nice lady named Mary Joe that is also taking the teacher training. It was nice squatting by the river for a little while, and now it is really nice having a garden to work in, a bathroom when I need it, a blender, a computer, etc. So very nice! I am blessed to have been graced with such a find situation.
After the firs week intensive of teacher training, I felt I had a bit of adventuring to do, so I put up the thumb & hitched up to Mt. Shasta. It took me a day to hitch there (was very humbling), and I spent the night in Chico, CA in a lovely garden that I was shown by a friend fellow I met at a health food store. When I arrived in Shasta I was able to touch base with Monique (the nice lady that gifted me the funds to down-pay for the teacher training), go see Masaru Emoto give a presentation on water, and sleep up on the mountain. It is really quite a place this Mt. Shasta! They have amazing untreated spring water, loads of fruit trees around for the picking, friendly people, fresh air, & so on. Oh so lovely!
I was also able to meet up with my good friend Emma in Shasta, and she whisked us away to the Redwood Forest, then the Mendocino coast for a 3 day yoga/raw food retreat, which was also very nice. I was able to swim in the pacific, meet more amazing people, and continue to enjoy me daily practice, which I will speak more of in a moment. I met 2 very nice girls in Mendo, Molly & Cari, who took me to Lake Tahoe, just north of Nevada City by about an hour and a half. So I stayed with Cari for 2 days in Tahoe, and she gave me a ride back to the Grass Valley/Nevada City area where I was able to reconvene with Mary Joe (my landlady/co-houser/whathaveyou). Hooray! What an adventure!
Ah, yes. So I wanted to discuss daily practice. In the kundalini yoga tradition (the one I am now studying my yoga teacher training), daily practice ("Sadhana" Sod-ah-nah) is not just a science, its a way of being. Its the foundation by which one creates one's reality. The main idea is that human experience can be limitless, but our subconscious mind becomes overloaded with junk and detracts from our daily experience of the world. It becomes so jammed with mental constructs, agreements, advertisements, and whatever other media or energy that we expose ourselves to, that it pours into our conscious experience & thus influences the way we act & operate on a daily basis... Unless of course we have some way of clearing or alleviating our subconscious mind... We have a "grid of experience" that is basically the monitor of our computer, the overarching lens through we our awareness is filtered, thus forming our conscious reality. The vastness and fullness of what we see & experience through this monitor is greatly affected by our subconscious programming.
Sadhana is like an assassin or an atomic bomb to the garbage built up in the subconscious mind. When one practices every day (not one-two, skip a few, but every day!), the subconscious mind is very quickly de-programmed, so many of our trite judgments, detrimental habits, destructive patterns, and toxic predispositions implode in on themselves. They are powerless against the power of sadhana.
So how does Sadhana work?
In many traditions the best time for Sadhana is between 4-7 am, or the 2 1/2 hour period before the sun rises. Albert Einstein used to wake up at 4 am because he found he was able to focus so supremely at this hour. Go figure? My experience is that daily practice is much more easy between 4-7, so this is when I try to do it. Even by 8 am I resist the practice so much more. Once the sun has risen it is just that much more tricky to focus inward, as the sun is instructing us all to exert our energy outward, to go and ride the wave of the day! So between 4-7 one simply practices the same thing for a certain amount of time every day for a certain amount of days. Here is the psychological breakdown of transformation according to the science of kundalini yoga (not according to me (though I have experienced the effects), I'm just taking this out of a book):
Meditation times every day
3 minutes of meditation affects the electromagnetic field, the circulation and stability of the blood
11 minutes of meditation begins to chance the nerves and the glandular system
22 minutes of meditation balances the three minds (negative, neutral, positive), and they begin to work together
31 minutes of meditation allows the glands, breath, and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body.
62 minutes changes the gray matter in the brain. The subconscious "shadow mind" and the outer projection are integrated.
2 1/2 hours changes the psyche in its co-relation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconscious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.
Effects of consecutive days of mediation
40 days changes a habit
90 days confirms the habit
In 120 the new habit is who you are
In 1,000 days you have mastered the new habit
So I have been doing a morning sadhana (in my case, a yogic exercise involving the breath) since May 05th now, and I must say the effects have been profound. It has brought me so much more balance to my life, and I feel it takes very little effort to do it every day. Less & less effort every day! I simply think "Oh, if I break the streak the effects will be diminished, I'll have to start from day 1 again, and the high I'm on every day will be reduced. I better do my sadhana!"
And that's how it goes. I am at a point where I do a particular mediation every morning for 62 minutes. I started out with 3 minutes May 5th, and gradually worked myself up to 62 as it felt good. So now I'm committed to the 1000 stretch to see how far I can take the effects of this already profound practice. We shall see!
There are so many ways to activate a sadhana. If you like to paint, paint every day for a set time. Don't skip a day. Don't ever skip a day! This will break the chain of the strong psychological reconditioning you're delivering mercilessly to the politcal parties and renegade opinions parading around in the lawless depths of your subconscious mind... So paint every day and see the magic that emerges. If you like to run, run every day. If you like to read, read every day. If you like to sing, meditate, shoot skeet, play guitar, ad infinitum, do it every day, a lot. Early is nice. Clear you subconscious of all the garbage that prevents the full potential of healthy, productive, enjoyable experience from taking place! This is my message. Take it or leave it.
But either way--
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